Most power outages in homes are caused by safety switches. They are able to prevent shock from occurring during power outages, which is a good thing. They can detect any variations in the current and automatically shut off the power supply to prevent any potential danger to electrical appliances or shocks. Sometimes, however, the switches may be triggered even if there is no immediate danger. This behavior should be investigated to determine the root cause and remedy. There are many reasons power outages can occur. Here are some of them.
This is the main reason for power cuts in many households. A nuisance trip occurs when too many appliances are connected to the line, and each appliance releases a small amount of current. The safety switch can be activated if the cumulative current is large enough. Avoid overloading power lines to prevent this. It is better to turn off sockets you are not using in order to reduce the strain on the power lines.
Lightning strikes can cause power outages. The safety switch is activated when lightning strikes the power lines. This causes a surge in electricity and cuts off the supply. This typically happens during a storm. To protect your home against further lightning strikes, a lightning arrester is also advisable. If you don't have one, ask an electrician to install one.
A faulty appliance in the line may cause the safety switch's to go off. These appliances are known to draw excessive current, which can cause the safety switch to turn off. If this happens, it is important to locate the problematic appliance and have it tested. An electrician can help you pinpoint the problem if you're not certain.
Sometimes, the safety switch can be activated because of a problem with the wiring. With time, electrical wires can become faulty and dangerous. This is especially true for older houses. A wire can become exposed, and if it is in contact with another conductor, it can shorten and cause the safety switch to trip. A qualified technician can inspect the wiring and provide a solution. Based on his findings, you can choose to have the wiring replaced or repaired.
1162 Rockland Ave, Victoria, BC V8V 3H7