It is impossible to predict when an electrical fire might break out. Understanding what to do and what not to do can make the difference between life and death. You can save your life and those of others trapped inside the fire by taking the right actions.
If there is a fire outbreak, but not necessarily an electrical fire, your security and the safety of those around you are the most important things. You must take control of your emotions and remain calm when you hear the smoke alarm sounding. Do not panic. To alert others in the building that might not have heard the alarm, shout "fire" and then raise your voice.
Keep your cool and look for emergency exits. Then, run towards them. Avoid elevators and lifts if you live in apartments. Do not stop to grab anything. Safety is your concern, not your purse or anything else in it. After you have left the building, you can go to the nearest fire station or another safer location that is not accessible by fire or smoke. If you have not yet called the fire department, then you can call them to let them know that you are there.
No matter what you might have forgotten, don't run back into the building. Sometimes, one can inflict injuries when trying to escape a burning building. After you have been safely out, take a quick injury test to see if any of your body parts are in pain. To ensure that you don't injure yourself, you can either stretch your body or use your hands to feel your entire body. These safety advice can help you avoid electrical fires:
These tips will help reduce the risk of an electrical fire. They also keep you and your appliances safe.
1162 Rockland Ave, Victoria, BC V8V 3H7